Sexual Debility ( Zuf-i-Bah)

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  • It is a condition in which sexual desire and capability to perform sexual activities decreases.
  • It is caused by Qillat-i Manī (Low semen volume), Qillat-i Hiddat-i Manī (Decrease in normal sharpness of semen), Zu‘f-i A‘zā’ Ra’īsa (Weakness of vital organs), Istirkhā’-i Qazīb (Flaccidity of penis) and Umūr Wahmiyya (Psychological factors).
  • It is characterized by a decrease in sexual competency, ability to perform sexual intercourse and desire for sex.
  • It is a condition in which sexual desire and capability to perform sexual activities decreases.
  • It is caused by Qillat-i Manī (Low semen volume), Qillat-i Hiddat-i Manī (Decrease in normal sharpness of semen), Zu‘f-i A‘zā’ Ra’īsa (Weakness of vital organs), Istirkhā’-i Qazīb (Flaccidity of penis) and Umūr Wahmiyya (Psychological factors).
  • It is characterized by a decrease in sexual competency, ability to perform sexual intercourse and desire for sex.

Compound drugs:

Labūb Kabīr 5 gm. in morning with milk or water.
Labūb Saghīr  7 gm. in morning with milk.
LabūbBārid 12 gm. in morning.
Ma‘jūn Jalālī 7 gm. in morning with milk or water.
Ma‘jūn-i Piyāz 12 gm.
Ma‘jūn-i Nuqra 3-5 gm.
Ma‘jūn-i  Sa‘lab 7-12 gm.
Jawārish Zar‘ūnī 7-9 gm
Habb-i ‘Ambar Momiyā’ī 1 Habb at bed time.
Habb-i Nishāt 1 Habb two hours before coitus with milk.
Habb Muqawwī  2 Habb two hours before coitus with milk.
Habb Mun‘ish 1-2 Habb two hours before coitus with milk.
Habb-i Jadwār 1-2 Habb in morning or at bed time with milk.
Kushta-i Qal‘ī 125-250 mg.
Halwa-i Bayza-i Murgh 6-12 gm. twice a day.
Halwa-i  Sa‘lab 12-24 gm. with milk in morning.
Halwa-i Gazar 24 gm. with milk in morning.
Tilā Jadīd For local application.
Tilā Khās al- Khās  For local application.
Tilā Mubhī o Mumsik For local application.
Habb Mulazziz For local application on glans penis.
Mā’ al-Laham 24 ml.
Khamīra-i Gāozabān ‘Ambarī Jawāhir Wāla 5 gm
  • Sour diets - Sour foods e.g. lemon, sour pomegranate, sour apple, orange, vinegar, curd, etc.They change the thick waste products of stomach into smaller particles.
  • Aghziya Bārida -  The food of cold temperament having ability to produce the humours which induce coldness in the body e.g. Khas (Andropogan muricatus Retz.), Kāsnī (Cichorium intybus Linn.), etc.


  • Complete Blood Count
  • Blood Sugar-Fasting & Postprandial
  • Liver Function test
  • Kidney Function Test
  • Lipid Profile
  • Serum Prolactin
  • Serum testosterone level
  • Gonadotropins level
  • Tafrīhī Mashāghil (Engagement in joyful activities)


  • Muqawwī Aghziya - Diets that provide nutrition and thereby strengthen the body.
  • Sarī‘ al-Hazm Aghziya -  Easily digestible food materials which provide nutrition to the body very soon.
  • Avoid rigorous physical and mental indulgence before sexual activity.
  • Avoid excessive Istifrāgh (Evacuation).
  • Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol.
  • Avoid drugs having anaesthetic effects.
  • Avoid drugs that are semen siccative.