Nocturnal Enuresis ( Bawl fi’l-Firāsh)

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  • It is a condition in which a child involuntarily passes urine during sleep.
  • It is caused by excessive fluid intake, use of diuretic fruits and vegetables, flaccidity of the muscles of bladder, Sū’-i Mizaj Bārid (Cold morbid temperament) of bladder, constipation, Hiddat-i Bawl (Urine, causing irritation), deep sleep, etc.
  • It is characterized by involuntary voiding of urine while asleep.
  • It is a condition in which a child involuntarily passes urine during sleep.
  • It is caused by excessive fluid intake, use of diuretic fruits and vegetables, flaccidity of the muscles of bladder, Sū’-i Mizaj Bārid (Cold morbid temperament) of bladder, constipation, Hiddat-i Bawl (Urine, causing irritation), deep sleep, etc.
  • It is characterized by involuntary voiding of urine while asleep.
  • Oral administration of powder of Sa‘d (Cyperus rotundus, Linn.), Kundur (Boswellia serrata, Roxb.), Khulanjān (Alpinia Khulanjan, M. Sheriff.), Habb al-Ās (Myrtus communis, Linn.), Juft Balūt (Quercus incana, Roxb.) and Gulnār (Punica granatum, Linn.).
  • Oral administration of powder of Tukhm-i Rayhān (Seed of Ocimum sanctum, Linn.) and Māzū Khām (Unripe Quercus infectoria, Oliv.).
  • Oral administration of powder of Sa‘d (Cyperus rotundus, Linn.) 3.5 gm., Kundur (Boswellia serrata, Roxb.) 3.5 gm., Sugar 7 gm. in morning.

 Compound drugs:

Ma‘jūn-i Falāsifa As directed by the physician.
Ma‘jūn Māsik al-Bawl As directed by the physician.
Ma‘jūn-i Kundur As directed by the physician.
Ma‘jūn-i Balūt As directed by the physician.
Gulqand ‘Aslī As directed by the physician.
Roghan-i Bān Local application on pubic region.
  • Aghziya Mubarrida-The food of cold temperament having ability to produce the humours which induce coldness in the body e.g. Khas
    (Andropogan muricatus, Retz.), Kāsinī (Cichorium intybus, Linn.), etc.
  • Aghziya Murattiba-The foods of wet/moist temperament having ability to produce the humours which give rise to wetness in the body e.g. milk, Kaddū (Cucurbita maxima, Duchesne.), cucumber, watermelon, clarified butter, almond oil, etc.
  • Cold drinks
  • Diuretic fruits and vegetables such as muskmelon, cucumber, etc.


  • Takmīd Hār (Hot fomentation)


  • Aghziya Hārra-.The foods of hot temperament having ability to produce the humours which induce heat in the body e.g. onion, garlic, etc.
  • Spices


  • Intake of solids and liquids especially in the evening to be avoided.
  • Instruction to patient to pass the urine before going to bed.
  • Excessive intake of drinks to be avoided.