- It is a condition in which normal functions of urinary bladder get weakened.
- It is caused by Sū’-i Mizāj Bārid (Cold morbid temperament) or predominance of Rutūbat Fuzliyya (Waste secretions).
- It is characterized by dribbling of urine. Due to this weakness the patient is neither able to hold the urine nor able to pass it, resulting in dribbling.
- It is a condition in which normal functions of urinary bladder get weakened.
- It is caused by Sū’-i Mizāj Bārid (Cold morbid temperament) or predominance of Rutūbat Fuzliyya (Waste secretions).
- It is characterized by dribbling of urine. Due to this weakness the patient is neither able to hold the urine nor able to pass it, resulting in dribbling.
Compound drugs:
Ma‘jūn-i Kundur | 5 gm. |
Ma‘jūn Za‘farānī | 3-7 gm. |
Ma‘jūn-i Falāsifa | 7 gm. |
Itrīfal Saghīr | 12 gm. at bed time |
Itrīfal Kabīr | 7-14 gm. |
Roghan-i Sosan | Local application on pelvic region |
Roghan-i Bisbāsa | Local application on pelvic region |
Roghan-i Bābūna | Local application on pelvic region |
- Aghziya Bārida - The food of cold temperament having ability to produce the humours which induce coldness in the body e.g. Khas (Andropogan muricatus Retz.), Kāsnī (Cichorium intybus Linn.), etc.
- Aghziya Rataba - Foods of wet/moist temperament having ability to produce the humours which give rise to wetness in the body e.g. milk, Kadū (Cucurbita maxima Duchesne.), cucumber, watermelon, clarified butter, almond oil, etc.
- Post voiding residual volume measurement
- Urodynamic testing
- Aghziya Latīfa in case of predominance of Rutūbat Fuzliyya - Food stuffs which are easy to digest but have little nutritional value, and produce such a sanguine which is normal in viscosity. These are of two types i.e. Mahmūda (that produces good humour). and Ghayr Mahmūda (that produces morbid humour) e.g. garlic, radish, spicy and salty foods, etc.
- Aghziya Mujaffifa in case of predominance of Rutūbat Fuzliyya - Foods causing desiccation of body fluid e.g. roasted gram.