- It is the inflammation of glands lying on both sides of throat.
- It is caused when any of the four humours impregnate the glands.
- It is characterized by pain on swallowing, burning sensation in throat, fever and the signs of inflammation on and around the glands along with specific features of the causative humour.
- It is the inflammation of glands lying on both sides of throat.
- It is caused when any of the four humours impregnate the glands.
- It is characterized by pain on swallowing, burning sensation in throat, fever and the signs of inflammation on and around the glands along with specific features of the causative humour.
- Gharghara (Gargle) with lukewarm water.
- Gharghara (Gargle) with Rubb-i Tūt (Morus indica, Linn.) and Ghawra (Juice of unripe grape).
- Gharghara (Gargle) with decoction of the following drugs.
- Masūr (Lenses esculenta, Moench.) 5 parts, Gulnār (Punica granatum, Linn.) 5 parts, Shiyāf-i Māmīsa 1 part, Za‘farān (Crocus sativus, Linn.) 1 part, Qust (Saussurea hypoleuca, Spreng) 1 part.
- The drugs are boiled, filtered and the liquid obtained is mixed with Rubb-i Tūt (Dry extract of Morus indica, Linn.) ½ part and the honey.
- Gharghara (Gargle) with decoction of the following drugs mixed with Sharbat-i ‘Unnāb .
- Masūr Muqashshar (Dehusked Lenses esculenta, Moench.) 24 gm., Kishnīz Khushk (Dried Coriandrum sativum, Linn.)24 gm., Tukhm-i Kāsnī (Seed of Cichorium intybus, Linn.)24 gm. , Tukhm-i Kāhū (Lactuca sativa, Linn.)
- Local application of paste containing following drugs for the Waram afflicted with Safrā .
- Roghan-i Sosan, Mom Safed, Safūf-i Bābūna (Powder of Matricaria chamomilla, Linn.).
- Gharghara (Gargle) with following drugs for the Waram afflicted with Balgham.
- ‘Āqarqarha (Anacyclus pyrethrum, DC.), Mawīzaj (Vitis vinifera, Linn. ), Rubb-i Angūr (Dry extract of fresh grapes).
Compound drugs:
Sharbat-i ‘Unnāb | 24- 48 ml.mixed with Mā’ al-Sha‘īr |
Sharbat-i Tūt Siyāh | 24 ml. |
Sharbat-i Sapistān | 24- 48 ml. |
- Aghziya Ghalīza-Dry and viscous foods such as dry date, Adas Musallam(Lens esculenta Moench.) etc. These are of two types i.e. Mahmuda(that produces good humour)and Ghayr Mahmuda (that produces morbid humour)
- Fasd-i Qīfāl (Bloodletting through cephalic vein) in case of Damawī and Safrāwī types.
- Fasd-i Bāslīq (Bloodletting through basilic vein) in case of Sawdāwī type.
- Huqna (Enema) in case of Balghamī type.
- Ishāl (Purgation)
- Hijāma (Cupping) on the area between the shoulders in case of Damawī type.
- Gharghara (Gargle)
- Mā’ al-Sha‘īr (Barley water)
- Muwallidāt-i Sawdā to be avoided-The food which produce an exessive quantity of black bile in the body e.g. cabbage, brinjal,etc.