Bulimia ( Ju-al-Baqar)

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  • It is a condition in which the body organs need nutrition but stomach do not accept the food.
  • It is caused by abnormal condition of Fam-i Mi‘da (Cardiac end of stomach) due to its Sū’-i Mizāj Bārid (Cold morbid temperament),Ghalba-i Khilt (Predominance of humour) and Tahallul-i Quwā (Dissolution of body faculties).
  • It is characterized by loss of appetite and desire for food, Lāgharī’-i Badan (Wasting of body),Zu‘f-i Harārat Gharīzī (Weakened innate heat) and Ghashī (Syncope).
  • It is a condition in which the body organs need nutrition but stomach do not accept the food.
  • It is caused by abnormal condition of Fam-i Mi‘da (Cardiac end of stomach) due to its Sū’-i Mizāj Bārid (Cold morbid temperament),Ghalba-i Khilt (Predominance of humour) and Tahallul-i Quwā (Dissolution of body faculties).
  • It is characterized by loss of appetite and desire for food, Lāgharī’-i Badan (Wasting of body),Zu‘f-i Harārat Gharīzī (Weakened innate heat) and Ghashī (Syncope).
  • Oral administration of Mā’ al-Fawākih. - It is a liquid preparation of expressed fruit juice. A fresh juice is prepared when it is intended to be sued.
  • Local application of paste prepared with Gul Surkh (Flower of Rosa damascena Mill.), Ūd (Aquilaria agallocha Roxb.), Mastagī (Pistacia lentiscus Linn.), Sumbul al-Tīb (Nardostachys Jatamansi (D.Don) DC.) and ‘Arq-i Gulāb on epigastric region.

Compound drugs:

Mā’ al-Lahm 60 ml.
Dawā’ al-Misk for In‘āsh 7 gm.
‘Arq-i Bed-i Mushk 60 ml.
Jawārish-i Mastagī 5-9 gm.
Jawārish Kamūnī 7-12 gm.
  • Batī’ al-Hazm Aghziya - Foods that take longer time for digestion.


  • Complete blood count
  • Liver Function Test
  • Kidney Function Test including Serum electrolytes
  • Blood Sugar-Fasting & Postprandial
  • Urine Examination-Routine & Microscopic


  • Qay’ (Emesis)
  • Ishāl (Purgation)


  • Zūd Hazm Aghziya - Easily digestible food materials which provide nutrition to the body very soon.