Discoloration of Teeth ( Taghayyur-i-Lawn-i-Asnan)

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  • It is a condition in which teeth get discolored.
  • It is caused by Insibāb-i Mādda Radī (Pouring of bad quality matter) on teeth.
  • It is characterized by abnormal change in the colour of teeth. This new colour resembles the colour of bad quality matter poured on them.
  • It is a condition in which teeth get discolored.
  • It is caused by Insibāb-i Mādda Radī (Pouring of bad quality matter) on teeth.
  • It is characterized by abnormal change in the colour of teeth. This new colour resembles the colour of bad quality matter poured on them.
  • Mazmaza (Mouth wash) with Āb-i ‘Inab al-Sa‘lab (Solanum nigrum Linn.) mixed with vinegar (Yellowish discoloration).
  • Mazmaza (Mouth wash) with deseeded Hanzal (Citrullus colocynthis Schard.) boiled with vinegar (Greenish/blackish discoloration).
  • Local application of paste prepared with Bekh-i Kibr (Root of Capparis spinosa Linn.), Afsantīn (Artemisia absinthium Linn.), Aftīmūn (Cuscuta reflexa Roxb.), Ushna (Usnea longissima Asch.) and Mastagī (Pistacia lentiscus Linn.) mixed with Roghan-i Gul (Greenish/blackish discoloration).
  • Local application of paste prepared with Post-i Bekh-i Kibr (Root bark of Capparis spinosa Linn.) and Mastagī (Pistacia lentiscus Linn.) mixed with Roghan-i Gul.

Compound drugs:

Roghan-i Mastagī (Chalky white teeth)

Local application on teeth

Sanūn Mujallī Local application on teeth
Sanūn Missī Local application on teeth
  • Cold drinks (Chalky white teeth)
  • Complete Blood Count
  • Blood sugar-Fasting & Postprandial
  • Thyroid profile
  • Liver Function Test
  • Renal Function Test
  • Fasd-i Bāslīq (Bloodletting through basilic vein)
  • Hijāma (Cupping)
  • Ishāl (Purgation) by drugs specific to causative matter.
  • Avoid consumption of cold things (Chalky white teeth).