Premature greying of Hairs ( Shayb)

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  • It is a condition in which graying of hair occurs before the age of forty.
  • It is caused by Kasrat-i Balgham (excess of phlegm) associated with Zu‘f-i Harārat Gharīzī (Weakened innate heat of body) and Kasrat-i Yubūsat (excess of dryness) in the body.
  • It is characterized by graying of hair during the young age (before forty years of age).
  • It is a condition in which graying of hair occurs before the age of forty.
  • It is caused by Kasrat-i Balgham (excess of phlegm) associated with Zu‘f-i Harārat Gharīzī (Weakened innate heat of body) and Kasrat-i Yubūsat (excess of dryness) in the body.
  • It is characterized by graying of hair during the young age (before forty years of age).
  • Oral administration of Halayla Siyāh (Terminalia chebula Retz.).
  • Oral administration of powder of Āmla (Phyllanthus emblica Linn.).
  • Oral administration of powder of  Ustūkhūdūs (Lavandula steochas Linn.) mixed with sugar.
    • Compound drugs:

      Ma‘jūn-i Halayla 7 gm.
      Ma‘jūn-i Khubs al-Hadīd 3-7 gm. in morning with water.
      Ma‘jūn-i Balādur 5-10 gm.
      Itrīfal Saghīr 12 gm. at bed time
      Itrīfal Kabīr 7-12 gm
      Murabba’-i Halayla 1 piece daily after washing with water.
  • Aghziya Muwallid-i Balgham (The foods which produce increased quantity of phlegm in the body)
  • Aghziya Murattiba ( The foods of wet/moist temperament having ability to produce the humours which give rise to wetness in the body e.g. milk, Kaddū (Cucurbita maxima, Duchesne.), cucumber, watermelon, clarified butter, almond oil, etc.
  • Dairy products
  • Sour diets
  • Complete Blood Count, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
  • Liver Function Test
  • Thyroid profile
  • Ishā(Purgation)
  • Foods prepared with spices of hot temperament.
  • Diets producing good humours.
  • Avoid excess of Fasd (Bloodletting), alcohol intake and indulgence in sexual activities.