- It is a condition in which Fasād-i Jild (Impairment of skin functions) occurs, resulting in hair fall from the affected area (especially scalp, beard and eye brows) without Insilākh-i Jild (Sloughing of skin).
- It is caused by sticking of Hādd o Lāzi‘ Radī Mādda (Acrid & noxious matter) related to any of the four humors to the hair roots leading to compromised nutrition of hair.
- It is characterized by hair fall from the affected part. The part becomes whitish and soft [when caused by Balgham Muhtaraq (Burnt phlegm)], yellowish dry and rough [when caused by preponderance of Safrā’ (Yellow bile)], ash-coloured, dry and rough [when caused by preponderance of Sawdā’ (Black bile)], reddish and soft [when caused by preponderance of Dam (Sanguine)]. Signs and symptoms of respective humoral morbidity may be seen.
- It is a condition in which Fasād-i Jild (Impairment of skin functions) occurs, resulting in hair fall from the affected area (especially scalp, beard and eye brows) without Insilākh-i Jild (Sloughing of skin).
- It is caused by sticking of Hādd o Lāzi‘ Radī Mādda (Acrid & noxious matter) related to any of the four humors to the hair roots leading to compromised nutrition of hair.
- It is characterized by hair fall from the affected part. The part becomes whitish and soft [when caused by Balgham Muhtaraq (Burnt phlegm)], yellowish dry and rough [when caused by preponderance of Safrā’ (Yellow bile)], ash-coloured, dry and rough [when caused by preponderance of Sawdā’ (Black bile)], reddish and soft [when caused by preponderance of Dam (Sanguine)]. Signs and symptoms of respective humoral morbidity may be seen.
- Oral administration of Joshānda-i Halayla for Ishāl-iSafrā’ (Purgation of yellow bile) - .Decoction of Post-i Halayla Kābulī (Terminalia chebula Retz.) 36 gm., Shāhtra (Fumaria parviflora Lamk.) 24 gm., Tukhm-i Kasūs (Cuscuta reflexa Roxb.) 10 gm., Tukhm-i Kāsnī (Cichorium intybus Linn.) 10 gm., Post-i Bekh-i Bādiyān (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) 7 gm., Ālū Bukhāra (Prunus domestica Linn.) 20 pieces and ‘Unnāb (Zizyphus jujuba Mill and Lamk.) 20 pieces mixed with Maghz-i Amaltās (Fruit pulp of Cassia fistula Linn.) 54 gm. and Ma‘jūn-i Dabīd al-Ward 54 gm.
- Oral administration of Joshānda-i Aftīmūn for Ishāl-i Sawdā’ (Purgation of black bile). - Halayla Siyāh (Terminalia chebula Retz.), Halayla Kābulī (Terminalia chebula Retz.), Halayla Zard (Terminalia chebula Retz.), Āmla (Phyllanthus emblica Linn.) 17 ½ gm. each, Gāozabān (Borago officinalis Linn.), Bisfā’ij (Polypodium vulgare Linn.), Bādranjboya (Melissa parviflora Benth.), Ustuūkhudūs (Lavandula steochas Linn.) 14 gm. each, Turbud (Ipomoea turpethum Br.) 7 gm., Shāhtra (Fumaria parviflora Lamk.) 24 ½ grams, Ālū Bukhāra (Prunus domestica Linn.) 20 pieces, Mawīz Munaqqā (Vitis vinefera Linn. ) are soaked and boiled in 1600 ml of water till 600 ml of liquid is left. Thirty five grams of Aftīmūn (Cuscuta reflexa Roxb.) is added to it and boiled again till it is reduced to 400 ml. The boiled material is filtered and 52 ½ grams of Maghz-i Falūs-i Khiyār Shambar (Fruit pulp of Cassia fistula Linn.), 3 gm. of Ghārīqūn (Agaricus alba Linn.) and honey are added to the filtrate.
- Local application of Sīr (Allium sativum Linn.) and Khardal (Seed of Brassica nigra, Linn.) preceded by rubbing of affected part with rough cloth.
- Local application of Kaf-i Dariyā Sokhta (Burnt Cuttle fish bone) mixed with vinegar.
- Local application of Gandhak (Sulphur) mixed with vinegar.
- Rubbing of piece of Piyāz (Allium cepa Linn.) on affected part.
- Local application of castor oil on affected part.
- Local application of olive oil on affected part.
- Local application of Kaf-i Dariyā (Cuttle fish bone) 7 gm., Būraq (Armenian bole) 7 gm., Khardal (Seed of Brassica nigra Linn.) 7 gm., Kibrīt (Sulphur) 7 gm., Sudāb (Ruta graveolens Linn.) 7 gm., Farfiyūn (Euphorbia resinifera Berg.) 7 gm., Mawīzaj (Vitis vinifera Linn.) 3.5 gm., Rāzyānaj (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.)3.5 gm., mixed with olive oil.
Compound drugs:
Habb-i Qawqāya | 12-24 ml. |
Habb-i Ayārij | 12-24 ml. |
Habb-i Aftīmūn | 24 ml. in the morning with water |
- Diets according to the preponderance of humor involved.
- Complete Blood Count
- Blood Sugar-Fasting& Postprandial
- Wood’s lamp Examination
- Fasd-i Qīfāl (Bloodletting through cephalic vein).
- Ishāl (Purgation)
- Mā’ al-Jubn - Goat milk is boiled and a sour substance is added to it, so that the suspended albumins are clotted and separated from the liquid component. It is then filtered and whey is obtained.
- Avoid excessive perspiration in Hammām (Bath) .
- Avoid indulgence in heavy exercises.
- Avoid excessive use of chemicals on hair.