Herpes ( Namla)

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  • It is a condition in which rapidly spreading, superficial small Busūr (Eruptions) and inflammatory patches appear on the skin.
  • It is caused by Safrā’ (Yellow bile) mixed with Dam (Sanguine).
  • It is characterized by appearance of rapidly spreading, superficial small Busūr (Eruptions) and inflammatory patches on the skin with the sensation of ant biting, itching and burning.These Busūr (Eruptions) may either resolve or turn into ulcers.
  • It is a condition in which rapidly spreading, superficial small Busūr (Eruptions) and inflammatory patches appear on the skin.
  • It is caused by Safrā’ (Yellow bile) mixed with Dam (Sanguine).
  • It is characterized by appearance of rapidly spreading, superficial small Busūr (Eruptions) and inflammatory patches on the skin with the sensation of ant biting, itching and burning.These Busūr (Eruptions) may either resolve or turn into ulcers.


  • Oral administration of Mā’ al-Fawākih with Saqmūniya (Convolvulus scommonia Linn.) for Ishāl-i Safrā’ (Purgation of yellow bile). - Imlī (Tamarindus indica Linn.), Ālū Bukhāra (Prunus domestica Linn.), ‘Unnāb (Zizyphus jujube Linn.) 70 gm. each, Mawīz Munaqqā (Vitis vinefera Linn.) 35 gm.,
    Halayla Siyāh (Terminalia chebula Retz.), Halayla Kābulī (Terminalia chebula Retz.), Halayla Zard (Terminalia chebula Retz.), Banfsha (Viola odorata
    Linn.), Sanā Makkī (Cassia lanceolata Linn.), Gulāb (Rosa damascena Mill.), Afsantīn (Artemisia absinthium Linn.), Asl al-Sūs (Glycyrhhiza glabra Linn.) 14 gm. each, Tukhm-i Kāsnī (Cichorium intybus Linn.), Tukhm-i Kasūs (Cuscuta reflexa Roxb.)10 gm. each are soaked and boiled in 1400 ml. water till the liquid is reduced to 350 ml. Seventy gm. of Shīr-i Khisht (Fraxinus ornus Linn.) is added to the filtrate and taken orally.
  • Oral administration of Joshānda-i Halayla for Ishāl-i Safrā’ (Purgation of yellow bile). - Decoction of Post-i Halayla Kābulī (Terminalia chebula
    Retz.) 36 gm., Shāhtra (Fumaria parviflora Lamk.) 24 gm., Tukhm-i Kasūs (Cuscuta reflexa Roxb.) 10 gm., Tukhm-i Kāsnī (Cichorium intybus Linn.) 10 gm., Post-i Bekh-i Bādiyān (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) 7 gm., Ālū Bukhāra (Prunus domestica Linn.) 20 pieces and ‘Unnāb (Zizyphus jujuba Mill & Lamk.) 20 pieces mixed with Maghz-i Amaltās (Fruit pulp of Cassia fistula Linn.) 54 gm. and Ma‘jūn-i Dabīd al-Ward 54 gm.
  • Local application of paste prepared with Gil Armanī (Armenian earth), Rasawt (Berberisaristata DC.) and Kāfūr (Camphor) mixed with egg white.
  • Local application of ointment prepared with Māzū Khām (unripe Quercusinfectoria Oliv.), Barg-i Ās Khushk (Dried leaves of Myrtus communis Linn.), Roghan-i Gul and Mom (Wax) ¾ of all the contents.
  • Local application of paste prepared with Gil Armanī (Armenian earth),Sandal Safed (Santalum album Linn.), Gul Surkh (Rosa damascena Mill.), Gulnār (Flower of Punicagranatum Linn.) mixed with Āb-i ‘Inab al-Sa‘lab (Juice of leaves of Solanumnigrum Linn.).

Compound drugs:

Sharbat-i ‘Unnāb 24-48 ml. with water in the morning.
Marham-i Isfīdāj Local application on ulcers after mixing with camphor. 
  • Sweet and  salty dishes.


  • Complete Blood Count
  • Tzanck Smear
  • Fasd (Bloodletting)
  • Ishāl (Purgation)
  • Mā’ al-Rummān
  • Mā’ al-Sha‘īr - Barley water
  • Muzawwara-i Āb-i Ghawra - Gravy prepared with juice of unripe grapes.
  • ‘Adas Muqashshar (Dehusked seed of Lens culinaris Medic.) cooked with vinegar.


  • Avoid heavy exercises.