Boil ( Dummal)

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  • It is a condition in which conical Busra (Skin eruption) of bigger size appears on the skin.It is mostly seen in diabetics.
  • It is caused by Khūn Hādd (Acute sanguine) mixed with Rutūbat Ghalīz (Thick secretion) and associated with Ridā’at-i Hazm (Deranged metabolism) and strenuous activities.
  • It is characterized by conical shape (usually), pain and burning sensation (initially) and has the tendency to convert into Khurāj (Abscess). The tip of the eruption remains red and sharp.
  • It is a condition in which conical Busra (Skin eruption) of bigger size appears on the skin.It is mostly seen in diabetics.
  • It is caused by Khūn Hādd (Acute sanguine) mixed with Rutūbat Ghalīz (Thick secretion) and associated with Ridā’at-i Hazm (Deranged metabolism) and strenuous activities.
  • It is characterized by conical shape (usually), pain and burning sensation (initially) and has the tendency to convert into Khurāj (Abscess). The tip of the eruption remains red and sharp.
  • Local application of Aspghol (Plantago ovata Forsk.) after mixing with rose water and vinegar (for Taskīn-i Hiddat).
  • Local application of Khatmī Althaea officinalis Linn.)after mixing with rose water and vinegar (for Taskīn-i Hiddat).
  • Local application of crushed leaves of Nīm (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) mixed with water (for Nuzj).
  • Local application of crushed leaves of Nīm (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) mixed with salt (for Tafjīr).
  • Local application of Anzarūt (Astragalus sarcocolaDymock.) mixed with honey (for Indimāl).
  • Oral administration of decoction of Halayla Zard (Terminalia chebula Retz.), Shāhtra (Fumaria parviflora Lam.) and Sanā (Cassia angustifolia Vahl.).
  • Oral administration of concoction of ‘Unnāb (Zizyphus vulgaris Lamk.).

Compound drugs:

Sikanjabīn Sāda 35 ml.for Taskīn-i Hiddat
‘Arq-i Gulāb 35 ml.for Taskīn-i Hiddat
Marham Siyāh Local application
Marham-i Rāl Local application
Marham-i Isfīdāj Local application
  • Sweat dishes
  • Complete Blood Count
  • Blood sugar- Fasting and Postprandial
  • Fasd (Bloodletting)
  • Ishāl (Purgation)
  • Hijāma (Cupping)
  • Aghziya Hāmiza - Sour foods e.g. lemon, sour pomegranate, sour apple, orange, vinegar, curd, etc. They change the thick waste products of stomach into smaller particles.
  • Aghziya Qābiza - Foods that produce constipation
  • Avoid excessive food intake.
  • Avoid any regimen aggravating Imtilā.
  • Avoid spicy and seasoned foods.