Conjunctivitis ( Ramad)

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  • It is the inflammation of Tabaqa Multahima (Conjunctiva),which may be acute or chronic.
  • It is caused by dust, smoke, exposure to sunlight, predominance of humours and vapours/gases.It is common during summer season.
  • It is characterized by swelling, pain, irritation and redness in the eye, epiphora, purulent discharge and heaviness in the head along with the symptoms of causative humour.
  • It is the inflammation of Tabaqa Multahima (Conjunctiva),which may be acute or chronic.
  • It is caused by dust, smoke, exposure to sunlight, predominance of humours and vapours/gases.It is common during summer season.
  • It is characterized by swelling, pain, irritation and redness in the eye, epiphora, purulent discharge and heaviness in the head along with the symptoms of causative humour.
  • Joshānda-i Halayla in case of Ramad Safrāwī.
  • Natūl (Irrigation) of the following decoction on the head
  • Gul-i Bābūna (Flower of Matricaria chamomilla, Linn.), Gul Surkh (Rosa damascena, Mill.), Marzanjosh ( Origanum majorana, Linn.).
  • Administration of following eye drop containing mucilaginous decanted liquid prepared from Tukhm-i Hulba (Trigonella foenum-graeceum, Linn.) and Tukhm-i Kat ān (Linum usitatissimum, Linn.).
  • Local application of paste of Sandal (Santalum album, Linn.), Rasawt (Berberis aristata, DC.),Māmīsa (Thalictrum foliolosum, DC.) and Aqāqiya (Extract of pods of Acacia arabia, Willd.) ground, mixed with fresh coriander juice.

Compund Drugs:

Ayāraj-i Fayqra for Ramad Balghamī

3-5 gm

Shiyāf Abyaz Local application
Shiyāf Dīnārjūn for Ramad Sawdāwī Local application
Zarūr Abyaz Local application
  • Sour diets
  • Sweet diets
  • Spices


  • Takmīd (Fomentation)
  • Fasd (Bloodletting) in case of Ramad Damawī.
  • Hammām (Bath) for Ramad Sawdāwī.
  • Patient to be kept in dark room.


  • Mā’ al-Sha‘īr (Barley water) for Ramad Sawdāwī.
  • Aghziya Latīfa-Food stuffs which are easy to digest but have little nutritional value,and produce such a sanguine which is normal in viscosity.These are of
  • two types.i.e Mahmuda(that produce good humour) and Ghayr Mahmuda(that produce morbid humour) eg.garlic,radish,spicy and salty food,etc.


  • Avoid exposure to dust and smoke, hot temperature, hot air.
  • Avoid Istifrāgh (Evacuation) and Tahallul (Resolution).
  • Avoid scalp massage.