Ringworm ( Qūbā)

iPhone Hero
  • It is a disease manifested by cyclic occurrence of roughness over a non-specific area of skin.
  • It is caused by Sawdā Muhtaraq (Burnt black bile).
  • It is characterized by appearance of elevated, itchy, scaly and blackish or reddish patches on the affected part of skin.
  • It is a disease manifested by cyclic occurrence of roughness over a non-specific area of skin.
  • It is caused by Sawdā Muhtaraq (Burnt black bile).
  • It is characterized by appearance of elevated, itchy, scaly and blackish or reddish patches on the affected part of skin.
  • Joshānda-i Aftīmūn
  •  Local application of paste of Murdār Sang (Litharge), Roghan-i Gul and vinegar.
  •  Local application of paste of Gandhak (Sulphur), Behroza (Pinus longifolia, Roxb.) and vinegar.
  •  Local application of paste of Ushq (Dorema ammoniacum, Don.) and vinegar.

Compound drugs:

Roghan-i Gandum Local application
Marham-i Qūbā Local application
  • Aghziya Muwallid-i Sawda-The foods which produce an excessive quantity of black bile in the body e.g. cabbage, brinjal, etc.
  • Irsāl-i ‘Alaq (Leeching)
  • Fasd (Bloodletting)
  • Hijāma (Cupping)
  • Hammām (Bath)
  • Mā’ al-Jubn-Goat milk is boiled and a sour substance is added to it, so that the suspended albumins are clotted and separated from the liquid component. It is then filtered and whey is obtained.
  • Muwallid-i Sawdā Tadābīr (Black bile producing regimens) to be avoided.