Hairfall ( Intisār-i Sha‘r)

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  • It is a condition in which hairs of beard, eyebrows and head start to fall.
  • It is caused by malnutrition, intake of Fāsid Aghziya (Impure diets), subcutaneous accumulation of Mawād Khabīsa (Putrefied matter), dilatation of hair follicles, excessive skin dryness/moistness, Dā’al-Sa‘lab (Alopecia areata), Dā’al-Hayya (Alopecia furfurcea), Juzām (Leprosy), Sa‘fa (Favus) , Qarha (Wound), cachexia, tuberculosis and ascitis.
  • It is characterized by noticeable hair fall .
  • It is a condition in which hairs of beard, eyebrows and head start to fall.
  • It is caused by malnutrition, intake of Fāsid Aghziya (Impure diets), subcutaneous accumulation of Mawād Khabīsa (Putrefied matter), dilatation of hair follicles, excessive skin dryness/moistness, Dā’al-Sa‘lab (Alopecia areata), Dā’al-Hayya (Alopecia furfurcea), Juzām (Leprosy), Sa‘fa (Favus) , Qarha (Wound), cachexia, tuberculosis and ascitis.
  • It is characterized by noticeable hair fall .
  • Washing of hair with Būra-i Armanī (Armenian bole) and Kaf-i Dariyā (Cuttle fish bone).
  •  Natūl (Irrigation) on scalp with the decoction of Māzū (Quercus infectoria, Oliv.).
  •  Natūl (Irrigation) on scalp with the decoction of Halayla (Terminalia chebula, Retz.).
  • Local application of Tukhm-i Chuqandar (Seed of beet root) mixed with Roghan-i Ās.
  • Local application of oil prepared with Parshiyāoshān (Adiantum capillus-veneris, Linn.), Bābūna (Matricaria chamomilla, Linn.), Ās (Myrtus communis, Linn.) with any suitable oil.

Compound drugs:

Roghan-i Āmla Local application
Roghan-i Ās Local application
Roghan-i Banafsha in case of dryness. Local application
Roghan-i Bādām Local application
Roghan-i Gul Local application
  • Aghziya Murattiba in case of excessive skin moistness.
  • Tadhīn (Oiling)
  •  Hammām (Bathing)
  • Halaq-i Sha‘r (Removal of hair) at frequent intervals.
  • Dalk-i Rās (Scalp rubbing)
  • Spices
  • In case of excessive skin dryness - Aghziya Murattiba   (The foods of wet/moist temperament having ability to produce the humours which give rise to wetness in the body e.g. milk, Kaddū (Cucurbita maxima, Duchesne.), cucumber, watermelon, clarified butter, almond oil, etc.)
  • Muwallid-i Dam Aghziya (The foods which produce larger quantity of sanguine as compared to other three humours)
  • Aghziya Mahmūda (Foods that produce good humours)
  • Honey
  • Radish
  • Muqawwī-i Sha‘r Tadābīr (Regimens toning up the hair) to be adopted.