Diabetes Mellitus ( Zayabitus Shakari)

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  • It is a condition in which the patient remains always thirsty and urinates excessively.
  • It is caused by Ghalba-i Harārat Mufrat bar Gurda (Predominance of excess heat on kidneys) leading to its Zu‘f (Weakness). It may also be caused by excess of heat in liver resulting in Zu‘f-i Kabid (Hepatic debility).
  • It is characterized by polydipsia, polyuria, feeling of heat at the back (when the cause is related to kidney) or right hypochondrium (when the cause is related to liver) and emaciation.
  • It is a condition in which the patient remains always thirsty and urinates excessively.
  • It is caused by Ghalba-i Harārat Mufrat bar Gurda (Predominance of excess heat on kidneys) leading to its Zu‘f (Weakness). It may also be caused by excess of heat in liver resulting in Zu‘f-i Kabid (Hepatic debility).
  • It is characterized by polydipsia, polyuria, feeling of heat at the back (when the cause is related to kidney) or right hypochondrium (when the cause is related to liver) and emaciation.
  • Keeping of pomegranate seeds/tamarindin the mouth.
  • Oral administration of Tabāshī(Bambusa bambus Druce.).
  • Oral administration of decanted water of tamarind.
  • Oral administration Rubb-i Na‘nā(Concentrated extract of mint).
  • Oral administration of Bazr-i Qatūna (Seeds of Plantago ovataForsk.) with Roghan-i Gul.
  • Oral administration of decoction of Post-i Nīm (Bark of Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) mixed with Shilājīt (Asphaltum).
  • Oral administration of decoction of Post-i Bekh-i Arnī (Root bark of Clerodendrum multiflorum (Burm.f.) Kuntze Syn.: C. phlomoides Linn.) mixed with Shilājī(Asphaltum).
  • Oral administration of powdered Zahar Mohra (Bezoar stone) 1 gm., Tabāshīr (Bambusa bambus Druce.) 1 gm., Marwārīd (Pearl) 1 gm. mixed with 2-3 ripe bananas.
  • Inhalation of Nīlofar (Nymphea lotus Linn.).
  • Inhalation of Kāfū(Camphor).
  • Application of mixture of vinegar, extracted juice of fresh coriander, rose water and Roghan-i Banafsha on throat and chest.
  • Application of paste prepared with flour of ‘Adas (Lentil) and rose water on renal area.
  • Huqna (Enema) with rose water and mucilage of Platago ovata Forsk.

Compound drugs:


Qurs-i Kāfūr 3 pills of 1 gm. each
Qurs-i Zayābītus Khās 1-2 gm.
Qurs-i Tabāshīr 5 gm. 
Qurs-i Gulnār 5 gm. 
Qurs-i Banafsha 4.5 gm.
Roghan-i Gul Application on renal area
  • Avoid Bārid Qābiz (Cold, astringent) fruits having diuretic property. 
  • Hb A1C
  • Blood Sugar-Fasting & Postprandial
  • Oral glucose tolerance test
  • Increase water intake
  • Rest
  • Fasd-i Bāslīq (Bloodletting through basilic vein)
  • Ābzan (Sitz bath) in cold water
  • Keeping of cloth soaked in cold water on renal area.
  • Take dip in cold water till the body temperature falls substantially.
  • Aghziya Bārida (Cold diets) -  The food of cold temperament having ability to produce the humours which induce coldness in the body e.g. Khas (Andropogan muricatus Retz.), Kāsnī (Cichorium intybus Linn.), etc.
  • Mā’ al-Sha‘īr - Barley water 
  • Mā’ al-Jubn - Goat milk is boiled and a sour substance is added to it, so that the suspended albumins are clotted and separated from the liquid component. It is then filtered and whey is obtained
  • Cow milk
  • Butter milk prepared with cow milk
  • Chilled butter milk prepared with goat milk
  • Fresh cheese
  • Cucumber juice
  • Jāmun (Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels)
  • Apple, pear, pomegranate (in limited quantity as advised by the physician)
  • Avoid indulgence in sexual activities.
  • Avoid high calorie diet.
  • Avoid sedentary life style.
  • Morning walk for 45 minutes.