Pleurisy ( Zāt al-Janb)

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  • It is a condition in which inflammation occurs in covering of lungs, inner muscles of thoracic cavity and diaphragm.
  • It is caused by Safrā(Yellow bile) and Dam Safrāwī (Bilious sanguine).
  • It is characterized by dry cough, dyspnoea, high grade fever, piercing pain and Nabz Minshārī (Pulsus serratus).
  • It is a condition in which inflammation occurs in covering of lungs, inner muscles of thoracic cavity and diaphragm.
  • It is caused by Safrā(Yellow bile) and Dam Safrāwī (Bilious sanguine).
  • It is characterized by dry cough, dyspnoea, high grade fever, piercing pain and Nabz Minshārī (Pulsus serratus).
  • Oral administration of Mā’ al-Fawākih. - It is a liquid preparation of expressed fruit juice. A fresh juice is prepared when it is intended to be sued.
  • Oral administration of Mā’ al-‘Asl -A liquid preparation in which honey and water are mixed in ratio of 1:4 and boiled at low temperature, till 2/3 of it
    is left. It is filtered and filtrate is used. 
  • Oral administration of decoction of Unnāb (Zizyphus jujuba Mill &Lamk.), Sapistān (Cordia latifolia Linn.), Khatmī (Althaea officinalis Linn.), Khubāzī (Malva sylvestris Linn.), Asl al-Sūs (Glycyrhhiza glabra Linn.) and Khayārayn (Cucumis sativus Linn.) with Sharbat-i ‘Unnāb.
  • Oral administration of decoction of Unnāb (Zizyphus jujuba, Mill &Lamk.), Anjīr (Ficus carica Linn.), Sabūs-i Gandum (Wheat Husk), Jaw Muqashshar (Dehusked seed of Hordeum vulgare Linn.) and Parsiyāoshān (Adiantum capillus-veneris Linn.) with Khamīra-i Banafsha.
  • Oral administration of decoction of Unnāb (Zizyphus jujuba Mill & Lamk.), Bihīdāna (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) and Gul-i Banafsha (Viola odorata Linn.) after mixing with Sharbat-i ‘Unnab and sprinkling with Khāksī (Sisymbrio irio Zinn.).
  • Oral administration of decoction of Unnāb (Zizyphus jujuba Mill & Lamk.), Khatmī (Althaea officinalis Linn.) and Gul-i Banafsha (Flower of Viola odorata Linn.) after mixing with Sharbat-i Nīlofar and sprinkling with Khāksī (Sisymbrio irio Zinn.).
  • Oral administration of Shīra-i Dāna-i Ilā’ichī Khurd (Seed of Elettaria cardamomum Maton.) 3 gm. with ‘Arq-i Mako 60 ml. and Gulqand Āftābī 24 gm.
  • Local application of Roghan-i Gul boiled with decoction of Post-i Khashkhāsh (Rind of Papaver somniferum Linn.).

Compound drugs:

La‘ūq-i Katān 24-48 gm.
La‘ūq-i Khayārshambar 7-12 gm. thrice daily
Sharbat-i Zūfa 24 ml. with water in morning
Sharbat-i Khashkhāsh 24 ml. with water in morning
Sharbat-i Nīlofar 24 ml. with water in morning
Sharbat-i ‘Unnāb 24-48 ml.
  • Aghziya Hārra - The foods of hot temperament having ability to produce the humours which induce heat in the body e.g. onion, garlic, etc.
  • Excessive intake of food.


  • Complete Blood Count
  • Montoux test
  • X-ray Chest
  • Ultrasonography
  • Fasd (Bloodletting)
  • Hijāma (Cupping)
  • Ishāl (Purgation)


  • Mā’ al-Sha‘ī -Barley water
  • Aghziya Latīfa - Food stuffs which are easy to digest but have little nutritional value, and produce such a sanguine which is normal in viscosity. These are of two types i.e. Mahmūda (that produces good humour) and Ghayr Mahmūda (that produces morbid humour) e.g. garlic, radish, spicy and salty foods, etc.
  • Avoid exposure to cold air.