Bronchial Asthma ( Zīq al-Nafas)

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  • It is a condition in which the body does not get normal amount of air required for Tarwīh-i Qalb (supply of Rūh to heart), resulting in patient’s unrest due to breathlessness.
  • It is caused by Waram (Inflammation) of air passage (larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, lung parenchyma), accumulation of Ghalīz Rutūbāt (Thick secretions) within bronchi and alveoli, spasmodic condition due to dryness, Imtilā’-i Sadr (Thoracic congestion) and pressure from neighboring organs. It may also be caused due to nervine disorders and Abkhira Dukhā niyya (Air pollution).
  • It is characterized by continuous shallow breathing with decreased periodicity resulting in exhaustion. It is episodic in nature, familial history may be positive and other features may be related to the specific causative factor.
  • It is a condition in which the body does not get normal amount of air required for Tarwīh-i Qalb (supply of Rūh to heart), resulting in patient’s unrest due to breathlessness.
  • It is caused by Waram (Inflammation) of air passage (larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, lung parenchyma), accumulation of Ghalīz Rutūbāt (Thick secretions) within bronchi and alveoli, spasmodic condition due to dryness, Imtilā’-i Sadr (Thoracic congestion) and pressure from neighboring organs. It may also be caused due to nervine disorders and Abkhira Dukhā niyya (Air pollution).
  • It is characterized by continuous shallow breathing with decreased periodicity resulting in exhaustion. It is episodic in nature, familial history may be positive and other features may be related to the specific causative factor.
  • Oral administration of decoction of Tukhm-i Hulba (Seed of Trigonella foenum-graeceum Linn.) 7 gm., Tukhm-i Katān (Seed of Linum usitatissimum, Linn.) 7 gm. and Mawīz Munaqqa (Vitis vinifera Linn.) 12 gm.
  • Oral administration of decoction of Sabūs-i Gandum (Wheat husk) mixed with Namak-i Sāmbhar (Salt from Sambhar lake) at bed time.
  • Oral administration of decoction of Tukhm-i Hulba (Seed of Trigonella foenum-graeceum Linn.) after mixing with honey.
  • Oral administration of decoction of Tukhm-i Hulba (Seed of Trigonella foenum-graeceum Linn.), Anjīr (Ficus carica Linn.), Īrsā (Iris ensata Thunb.), Zūfa (Hyssopus officinalis Linn.) and Bādiyān (Foeniculum vulgare Gaertn.) after mixing with honey.
  • Oral administration of decoction of Anjīr (Ficus carica Linn.), Banafsha (Viola odorata Linn.), Unnāb (Zizyphus jujuba Mill & Lamk.), Sapistān (Cordia latifolia Linn.) and Barg-i Gāozabān (Leaf of Borago officinalis Linn.) after mixing with sugar.

Compound drugs:

Habb-i Banafsha 7-12 gm.
Sharbat-i Zūfa Sāda 24 ml. with water in morning
Sharbat-i Zūfa Murakkab 24 ml. with water in morning
Sikanjabīn ‘Unsulī 24 ml.
La‘ūq-i Sapistān 6-12 gm.
La‘ūq-i Katān 24-48 gm.
  • Aghziya Hirrīfa - Spicy (Pungent) foods that may produce heat in the body e.g. pepper.
  • Sour dishes
  • Aghziya Muwallid-i Balgham - The foods which produce excessive quantity of phlegm in the body e.g. sheep milk, beet root, cucumber, etc.


  • Complete Blood Count
  • Serum IgE
  • ABG (Arterial Blood Gases) analysis
  • X-ray Chest
  • Pulmonary Function Test
  • Hypersensitivity skin test
  • Fasd-i Bāslīq (Bloodletting through basilic vein)
  • Fasd-i Haft Andām (Bloodletting through Haft Andām vein)


  • Aghziya Hārra Yābisa - The foods of hot temperament having ability to produce the humours which induce heat in the body e.g. onion, garlic, etcThe foods of dry temperament which produce dryness in the body e.g. lentil, etc.
  • Muzawwarāt - Gravies prepared with ingredients other than meat.


  • Avoid diuretics as they may increase the thickness of secretions.
  • Avoid dusty and dirty environment.
  • Avoid known allergens