Tremor ( Ri‘sha)

iPhone Hero
  • It is the trembling of one or more body parts such as hands, legs and head etc.
  • It is caused by Sū’-i Mizāj Bārid (Cold morbid temperament) of nerves, Zu‘f-i Quwwat Muharrika (Weakness of motor faculty) and Zu‘f-i A‘Sāb (Weakness of nerves).
  • It is characterized by involuntary movement of affected body part.
  • It is the trembling of one or more body parts such as hands, legs and head etc.
  • It is caused by Sū’-i Mizāj Bārid (Cold morbid temperament) of nerves, Zu‘f-i Quwwat Muharrika (Weakness of motor faculty) and Zu‘f-i A‘Sāb (Weakness of nerves).
  • It is characterized by involuntary movement of affected body part.
  • Mā’ al-Usūl (For Nuzj) followed by Habb Muntin as purgative. 
  • Powder of Ustūkhūdūs (Lavendula steochas, Linn.), 3.5-7 gm., along with Habb-i Ayārij especially for the tremor of head. 

 Compound drugs:

Habb Mun‘ish 1 pill in morning with cow milk.
Khamīra Gāozabān Jadwār ‘Ūd Salīb Wālā 3-7 gm. with ‘Arq-i Gāozabān 144 ml.
Ma‘jūn-i Azārāqī 1-5 gm.with ‘Arq-i Gāozabān 144 ml.
Ma‘jūn Talkh 1-3 gm. with ‘Arq-i Bādiyān 144 ml./water.
Ma‘jūn-i Jogrāj Gogul 3-5 gm.
Ma‘jūn Lanā 1-3 gm. with ‘Arq-i Bādiyān 144 ml.
Roghan-i Qust Local application
Roghan Mujarrab Local application
  • Aghziya Mubakhkhira-  The foods liable to produce flatus and vapours e.g. cabbage, pea, brinjal, cauliflower, beans, turnip, etc.
  • Hammām Hār (Hot Turkish bath) if caused by Sū’-i Mizāj Bārid (Cold morbid temperament) of nerves
  • Takmīd Hār (Hot fomentation)
  • Tamrīkh (Pasting) with Roghan-i Khardal on back
  • Fasd (Bloodletting)
  • Taskīn Nafsānī (Psychic rest)
  • Tazahhā (Sun bath) ) if caused by Sū’-i Mizāj Bārid (Cold morbid temperament) of nerves.


  • Aghziya MusakhkhinaFoods producing heat in the body e.g. spices.
  • Black gram water
  • Honey
  • Bayza Nīm Brisht (Half fried egg)
  • Fish
  • Too much of sex to be avoided.
  • Cold water to be avoided.
  • Alcohol to be avoided.