Phlegmatic Hepatitits ( Waram-i Kabid Balghamī)

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  • It is a Waram Rakhw (Soft swelling) of liver.
  • It is caused by predominance of Balgham (Phlegm) accumulated either due to excessive production or its deficient resolution.
  • It is characterized by heaviness in right hypochondrium without pain and fever, softness on palpation along with the features of predominance of phlegm.
  • It is a Waram Rakhw (Soft swelling) of liver.
  • It is caused by predominance of Balgham (Phlegm) accumulated either due to excessive production or its deficient resolution.
  • It is characterized by heaviness in right hypochondrium without pain and fever, softness on palpation along with the features of predominance of phlegm.
  •    Oral administration of decoction of Afsantīn (Artemisia absinthium, Linn.) with Castor oil.
  •   Oral administration of decoction of Tukhm-i Karafs (Seed of Apium graveolens, Linn.), Anīsūn (Seed of Pimpinella anisum,     Linn.), Bādiyān (Seed of Foeniculum vulgare, Gaertn.), Nānkhwāh (Seed of Ptychotis ajowan, DC.) and Bekh-i Kāsinī           (Root of Cichorium intybus, Linn.).
  •     Local application of the paste of Khardal (Seed of Brassica nigra, Linn.) with cow milk.

Compound drugs:

 Qurs-i Afsantīn 4-7 pills of 1 gm. each, with Sikanjabīn Bazūrī.
Qurs-i Rewand 7 pills of 1 gm. each  with Mā’ al-Usūl.
Dawā’ al-Kurkum 9 gm. with ‘Arq-i Afsantīn.
Qurs-i Zarishk Rewandī 3 pills of 1 gm. each
Gulqand ‘Aslī 48 ml.
Sikanjabīn ‘Unsulī 24 ml.
Roghan-i Yāsmīn Local application
  •      Fruits
  •     Dry fruits
  •     Dairy products
  •    Riyāzat (Exercise)
  •    Hammām (Bath)
  •    Fasd-i Bāslīq (Bloodletting through basilic vein)
  •     Mā’ al-‘Asl-A liquid preparationin which honey and water are mixed in ratio of 1:4 and boiled at low temperature, till 2/3 of it        is  left. It is filtered and filtrate is used.
  • Regimens that increase the production of phlegm should be avoided.