Uterine ulcers ( Quruh-i-Rahim)

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  • It is a condition in which ulcers appear within the uterus.
  • It is caused by Insibāb-i Khilt Dam (Pouring of sanguine) and Insibāb-i Safrā(Pouring of yellow bile) resulting in formation of Busūr (Eruptions), followed by ulceration. It may also occur due to mismanagement during labour and trauma.
  • It is characterized by pain in pelvic region, purulent discharge through vagina, fever with chills and rigor and headache. There may be dysuria (when the ulcers are on anterior uterine wall) and constipation (when the ulcers are on posterior uterine wall).
  • It is a condition in which ulcers appear within the uterus.
  • It is caused by Insibāb-i Khilt Dam (Pouring of sanguine) and Insibāb-i Safrā(Pouring of yellow bile) resulting in formation of Busūr (Eruptions), followed by ulceration. It may also occur due to mismanagement during labour and trauma.
  • It is characterized by pain in pelvic region, purulent discharge through vagina, fever with chills and rigor and headache. There may be dysuria (when the ulcers are on anterior uterine wall) and constipation (when the ulcers are on posterior uterine wall).
  • Jalūs (Sitz bath) in the decoction of Hulba (Seed of Trigonella foenum-graeceum Linn.).
  • Jalūs (Sitz bath) in the decoction of Nākhūna (Pods of Trigonella uncata Boiss.).
  • Jalūs (Sitz bath) in the decoction of Bābūna (Matricaria chamomilla Linn.).
  • Local application of Dam al-Akhwayn (Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb.).
  • Local application of Kundur (Boswellia serrata Roxb.).
  • Hamūl with Hinnā (Lawsonia inermis Linn.).

Compound drugs:

Sharbat-i Khashkhāsh (to relieve pain) 24 ml. in morning with water.
Qurs-i Kahruba 3 pills of 1 gm. each with juice of Bārtang (Plantago major Linn.).
Qurs-i Kāknaj 3-6 gm.
Marham-i Isfīdāj Local application
Marham-i Murdār Sang Local application
Marham-i Bāslīqūn Local application
  • Complete Blood Count, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
  • Evaluation of Pap. smear
  • Colposcopy


  • Fasd-i Bāslīq (Bloodletting through basilic vein)


  • Mā’ al-Sha‘īr - Barley water