Dysmennorhoea ( ‘Usr-i Tams)

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  • It is a condition of painful menstruation, which develops when Qillat-i Tams and Ihtibās-i Tams are compounded.
  • The causes are same as that of Qillat-i Tams and Ihtibās-i Tams.
  • It is characterized by painful menstruation along with specific features of causative factors.
  • It is a condition of painful menstruation, which develops when Qillat-i Tams and Ihtibās-i Tams are compounded.
  • The causes are same as that of Qillat-i Tams and Ihtibās-i Tams.
  • It is characterized by painful menstruation along with specific features of causative factors.
  • Ābzan (Sitz bath) with the decoction of following drugs
  •  Shibit (Anethum sowa, Kurz.), Marzanjosh (Oliganum vulgare, Linn.), Fodanj (Mentha piperita, Linn.), Sudāb (Ruta graveolens, Linn.), Bābūna (Matricaria chamomilla, Linn.), Iklīl al-Malik (Trigonella uncata, Linn.).
  •  Oral administration of the decoction of Karafs (Apium graveolens, Linn.) and Mishkatrāmashī ‘ (Ziziphora tenuior, Linn.) along with honey.
  • Oral administration of the decoction of Fodanj (Mentha piperita, Linn.) along with Mā’ al-‘Asl.
  •  Oral administration of the decoction of following drugs along with honey.
  • Karafs (Apium graveolens, Linn.), Anīsūn (Pimpinella anisum, Linn.), Bādiyān (Foeniculum vulgare, Gaertn.), Pudīna Kūhī (Mentha arvensis, Linn.), Pudīna Nahrī (Mentha aquatica, Linn.).
  •  Oral administration of Hiltīt (Ferula assafoetida, Linn.)  Dirham along with Mā’ al-‘Asl.
  •  Bakhūr (Fumigation) with Hanzal (Citrullus colocynthis, Schard.)
  • Firzaja (Pessary) made up of following ingredients.
  •  Ab-i Sudab (Juice of fresh Ruta graveolens, Linn.), Ab-i Pudīna (Juice of fresh Mentha piperita, Linn.).

Compound drugs:

Habb Mudirr 1 Habb twice a day.
Safūf Mudirr-i Haiz 5-10 gm.
Roghan-i Bābūna  To be used in the form of pessary.
Sharbat-i Fawlād 20 ml twice a day
Safūf Muhazzil 5-10 gm.
Sharbat-i Afsantīn 20 ml twice a day
  • Taqlīl-i Ghizā (Dietary control) in case of obesity.


  • Fasd-i Sāfin (Bloodletting through  saphenous vein)
  • Hammām Murattib ­(Moistness producing bath)
  • Hijāma (Cupping) on calf.


  • Aghziya Muwallid-i Dam in case of Qillat-i Dam.-The foods which produce an excessive quantity of sanguine in the body e.g. grapes, pomegranate, egg yolk, milk, dairy products, gram, etc.