Premature Ejaculation ( Sur‘at-i Inzāl)

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  • It is a condition in which ejaculation of semen takes place earlier than normal. It occurs immediately after insertion of penis or rarely even on friction with clothes.
  • It is caused by predominance of Burūdat (Cold) and Rutūbat (Wetness) leading to the weakening of Quwwat Māsika (Retentive power), Kasrat-i Manī (Excess of semen), predominace of Dam (Sanguine), Hurqat o Hiddat-i Manī (Increased motility and acuteness of semen), Zu‘f-i A‘zā Ra’īsa (Weakness of vital organs) andIttisā‘-i Majārī-i Qazeīb (Dialatation of passages for semen). Sometimes it is caused by Sū’-i Mizāj Hār (Hot morbid temperament) of kidneys and testicles and it may be congenital also.
  • It is characterized by ejaculation of semen during foreplay or shortly after the insertion of penis.
  • It is a condition in which ejaculation of semen takes place earlier than normal. It occurs immediately after insertion of penis or rarely even on friction with clothes.
  • It is caused by predominance of Burūdat (Cold) and Rutūbat (Wetness) leading to the weakening of Quwwat Māsika (Retentive power), Kasrat-i Manī (Excess of semen), predominace of Dam (Sanguine), Hurqat o Hiddat-i Manī (Increased motility and acuteness of semen), Zu‘f-i A‘zā Ra’īsa (Weakness of vital organs) andIttisā‘-i Majārī-i Qazeīb (Dialatation of passages for semen). Sometimes it is caused by Sū’-i Mizāj Hār (Hot morbid temperament) of kidneys and testicles and it may be congenital also.
  • It is characterized by ejaculation of semen during foreplay or shortly after the insertion of penis.
  • Oral administration of Safūf (Powder) of Maghz-i Tamar Hindī (Seed kernel of Tamarindus indica, Linn.)
  • Oral administration of Safūf (Powder) of Tukhm-i Sad Barg (Seed of Calendula officinalis, Linn.) mixed with equal quantity of sugar in the dose of 21 gm.

Compound drugs: 

Habb-i Jadwār 1-2 Habb in morning or at bed time with milk.
Ma‘jūn Jalālī 7 gm. in morning with milk or water.
Ma‘jūn -i Aspand 9 gm. in morning with milk.
Habb Mumsik 1-2 Habb three hours before coitus with milk.
Habb-i Nishāt 1 Habb before coitus with milk.
Ma‘jūn Mumsik 250 mg two hours before coitus with milk.
Safuf-i Maghz-i Kanwal Gatta 12 gm.with milk in morning.
Sharbat-i Khashkhāsh 24 ml. in morning with water.
Tilā Mumsik Local application
  • Muwallid-i Khūn Aghziya (Haemopoetic diets)-The foods which produce an excessive quantity of sanguine in the body e.g. grapes, pomegranate, egg yolk, milk, dairy products, gram, etc


  • Ishāl (Purgation) in case predominance of Burūdat (Cold) and Rutūbat (Wetness) serve as causative factor.
  • Qay’ (Emesis) in case of causative factor being predominance of Burūdat (Cold) and Rutūbat (Wetness).
  • Fasd (Bloodletting) in case of causative factor being predominance of Dam (Sanguine).


  • Aghziya Hāmiza-Sour foods e.g. lemon, sour pomegranate, sour apple, orange, vinegar, curd, etc. They change the thick waste products of stomach into smaller particles.
  • Aghziya Bārida Rataba- The food of cold temperament having ability to produce the humours which induce coldness in the body e.g. Khas (Andropogan muricatus Retz.), Kāsnī (Cichorium intybus Linn.), etc. Foods of wet/moist temperament having ability to produce the humours which give rise to wetness in the body e.g. milk, Kadū (Cucurbita maxima Duchesne.), cucumber, watermelon, clarified butter, almond oil, etc
  • .Pomegranate juice
  • Tangerine juice


  • Alcohol to be avoided.