Epistaxis ( Ru‘āf)

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  • It is a condition in which bleeding occurs from nose.
  • It is caused by nasal polyp, Busūr-i Anf (Nasal pustules), rupture of vessels due to Shiddat-i Imtilā (Extreme congestion), Hiddat-i Dam (Increased heat of sanguine) due to Ghalba-i Safrā(Predominance of yellow bile) and trauma. It may also occur as a result of Buhrān-i Amrāz Hādda (Critical condition of acute disease conditions).
  • It is characterized by bleeding per nose. In case of Shiddat-i Imtilā, it is preceded by headache and redness of face and eyes. Other clinical features will be according to causative factors.
  • It is a condition in which bleeding occurs from nose.
  • It is caused by nasal polyp, Busūr-i Anf (Nasal pustules), rupture of vessels due to Shiddat-i Imtilā (Extreme congestion), Hiddat-i Dam (Increased heat of sanguine) due to Ghalba-i Safrā(Predominance of yellow bile) and trauma. It may also occur as a result of Buhrān-i Amrāz Hādda (Critical condition of acute disease conditions).
  • It is characterized by bleeding per nose. In case of Shiddat-i Imtilā, it is preceded by headache and redness of face and eyes. Other clinical features will be according to causative factors.
  • Oral administration of Shīra-i Tukhm-i Kāhū (Seed of Lactuca sativa Linn.), Shīra-i ‘Unnāb (Zizyphus vulgaris Lamk.) and Lu‘āb-i Bihīdāna (Mucilage of seed of Cydonia oblonga Mill.) along with Sharbat-i Nīlofar.
  • Oral administration of Shīra-i Tukhm-i Khurfa (Seed of Portulaca oleracea Linn.) and Shīra-i Tukhm-i Kāhū (Seed of Lactuca sativa Linn.) with Katīra (Gum of Sterculia urens Roxb.).
  • Local application of paste prepared with Nashāsta (Starch)/Gil Armanī (Armenian Earth) mixed with vinegar on scalp.
  • Instillation of nasal drop prepared with Kāfūr (Camphor) mixed with almond oil.
  • Instillation of nasal drop prepared with Kāfūr (Camphor) boiled in vinegar.
  • Sa‘ūt (Snuff) with Kāfūr (Cinnamomum camphora Nees.) 32 mg. mixed with 21 gm. of juice of fresh coriander.

Compound drugs:

Sharbat-i Anjabār 25-50 ml.
Sharbat-i ‘Unnāb 12-24 ml.
Sharbat-i Nīlofar 24 ml.
Sharbat-i Khashkhāsh 12-24 ml.
  • Aghziya Muraqqiq-i Dam - Foods that cause thinning of Dam (Sanguine).


  • Complete Blood Count
  •  Platelet count
  •  Prothrombin time test
  •  Peripheral blood film
  • Bleeding time
  • Clotting time
  • X-ray Paranasal Sinuses (Water's view)
  • Fasd (Bloodletting)
  • Fasd-i Qīfāl (Bloodletting through cephalic vein)
  • Hijāma (Cupping) on nape of the neck
  • Sprinkling of cold water on scalp and extremities.


  • Mā’ al-Sha‘īr - Barley water
  • Mā’ al-Jubn - Goat milk is boiled and a sour substance is added to it, so that the suspended albumins are clotted and separated from the liquid component. It is then filtered and whey is obtained.
  • Aghziya Mughalliz-i DamFoods producing Dam (Sanguine) of thick consistency.
  • Aghziya Hāmiza Qābiza - Sour foods e.g. lemon, sour pomegranate, sour apple, orange, vinegar, curd, etc. They change the thick waste products of stomach into smaller particles. The foods which produce constipation.


  • Rigorous physical activities should be avoided.